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i recently decided to dowload mods for the witcher 2:enhanced Edition but theres NO COOKIEPC/ABILITIES folder what should i do???

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  • 3 weeks later...

SORRY!!! everyone it took me a while to respond the holidays are crazy and i got the flu yes i have a steam version

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  • 10 months later...
  • 7 months later...

you have to download something called RedTools (you can find it in nexus) then you use that program to unpack the dzip folder called PACK01, this will bring to you the necessary folder.....

that's point number one,

point number 2: do you have steam version ?

I do have the steam version. So how do I do with the nexus mods problem

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It doesn't matter if you have Steam or any other version. If mod installation instructions tells you to put files to folder inside CoockedPC and you don't have one - create it manually. Just make sure you spelled the folder name right and everything will work.

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