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Problem downloading mods


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Hello and good day to all who read this! :)


Recently I've been getting a problem actually just trying to download mods.


I've recently tried to download Apachii's Hero store and Goddess store. The mirrors for the Goddess store, and v_1_1 of the Hero store work, but the links to download from here do not work. The mirror for v_1_0 of the Hero store does not work for me either.

They're not the only ones I have problems downloading from, everytime I try to download certain textures (such as Qarl's texture packs) or change the intro/menu vids, I get the same problem.


I can spend hours downloading them, only for them to say "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged" or corrupted when I try to open and install them.

I don't know whether it's some sort of setting on my pc that I am unaware of (I am not 100% knowledgeable with computers anyway, just basic stuff most of the time) blocking them from downloading properly, or whether it's something simple like I don't have the program to read them properly. Or maybe even something in my programs conflicting with the information being received. Either way, I need help because it's getting rather frustrating, as it's starting to become more regular for my downloading to do this.


Any help at all will be much appreciated.



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What unzipping program do you use? As mods can be in any zipped format, rar (winrar) and 7z (7-zip) are the most popular, but others are used as well. Sometimes you have to tell windows what unzipping program to use on a particular type. 7-zip will work with just about any format, and unlike winrar, is completely free (winrar is try before you buy and will nag if you don't pay)


Try this link for instructions on associating files to 7-zip. Winrar will be similar.



It assumes you already have 7-zip installed. If you need it, It is available on Tesnexus here:


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Thank you for responding. :)


I have winrar and that doesn't work.

I installed 7-zip but even that doesn't seem to work. It now says "Incorrect command line" when I try to unzip files using 7-zip.

I have no idea what's going on with it. All I know is that when I try to download certain mods they take forever (the ones that work take no time at all) and when they finaly finish downloading, there is an error, either saying there are no files present or that it is corrupted in some way.


Not sure what else to mention, as I said, I don't know a huge amount about pc programs so I wouldn't know what could be causing them to stop the downloading process from working properly.

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It sounds like you are using the command line version of 7-zip. That one is for 'expert' level. The one you need to use is the 7zFM.exe. It comes in the same download and may be easier to work with.
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I tried that also and still no success.

I run it like any other unzipping program, the only difference is it says "Incorrect command line" instead of saying the archive is unknown/has no files or whatever.


I really don't know whether it's the files or my pc, but I am starting to think maybe I have a setting wrong somewhere but I wouldn't have a clue. The reason I think this is because it's doing the same thing with anywhere else I download from now too. Guess my pc is messed up or something. >_<


Thanks anyway and 7-zip does work really well with the files that do decide to work! (or rather the files my pc decides to actually read!) lol

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If the file is in rar or zip format, it may need to be associated with 7-zip so windows will know to run 7-zip when you click on the file.


The bigger a file is the longer it should take to download. So a good indicator that there is a problem is if a small download takes a long time or a large one downloads quick. We are not getting any other complaints about corrupted files so I don't think it is on the Nexus side.

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Hello, sorry for not responding quicker (been very busy).


I will try turning off the firewall, but I feel like it's still something wrong with my pc, just can't figure out what! >_<

I think I'll give up if that doesn't work though. :,(


-And it's ok, I know it isn't Nexus' fault. :)

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