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Custom head mesh


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Adding or removing any verts from the .nif would require making a new egm/tri files. (as well as needing to modify the skinning, yes) The .egm controls the shape-changing, and the .tri has expressions/eye modifiers, which is essentialy a giant list of what to do with a given vertex. So if there's any mismatch, the mesh will either be static, or get mangled. :)


I wrote a guide that covers most of what needs to be done in the .egm and .tri files from the ground up using The Conformulator and a hex editor.

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Ah. Forget that then, i'll just edit head06. I already finished the changing the eyes anyway and so far its still appearing ingame so it looks like ill be fine in that dept. Get back to me on niftools when you can :). I'll check out your guide, from the sound of it, that may answer the question i PM'ed you on niftools



And incase anybody else knows, I'd like to know how to make it so my new character (who will be his own custom race) does NOT have facial expressions. His face still needs to be able to morph to talk and whatnot, but I don't want him to smile, get angry, etc. The character I'm specifically making is not one to show emotions and I want to be as accurate as humanly possible :)

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