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quick questions

ancient demise

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I am making a spell that damages health over an area on target, and I want the graphic for this spell to be a flash of white light (like the area effect of a restoration spell). So I made a script that has the effect of fortify magicka. The result of this is the targets have a white swirl around them and there is no area flash.

I'm thinking the solution to this would be to make a script that damages health and attach it to a restoration spell. Am I right here? And how do I do this?



Additionally, can someone give me an example of how to trigger an event on self when something is picked up or read?

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Another question: is there a way, when you are in an extremely dark environment, to make it get brighter so long as you do not encounter any bright lights? (as in your eyes adjusting) maybe a spell or a constant enchantment could do this?


(Oh, and I still need my other question answered - I wasn't able to figure it out)

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