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Can I post a consolidation of numerous Nexus posts?

Lord Garon

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I try to offer what little help I can to the Skyrim Technical Support forum. For a while, I've been gleaning solutions to various problems from the Skyrim forums and thought I might post what I have found.


My problem is that I've only retained minimal troubleshooting/fix info and have no way to cite the original posts or their authors.


Can I post a file containing a bunch of highly edited existing thread posts without citing the original posts or authors? Some fixes are highly unique and will be easily identified by the OP. I'd like to help out by posting a few files with common fixes found over the years, but I don't want to step on any toes or violate TOS.





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There are several of these already - and some are pinned. Another option is the Nexus Wiki.

Unfortunately, as I have learned over the years, many people don't look for solutions to their problem but immediately post a 'HELP ME!!! post in the forums with little or no information on what their problem really is. And insist that they be told what to do in a personal post. One actually told me "I don't have time to search, just tell me what to do."


The wiki allows you to post a link to your wiki article instead of typing out the same answer over and over.


I now have my own compilation of fixes for various games going back to Oblivion on my own blog where I can direct people. I usually just link them to the help topic they ask for as many cannot be bothered to read through the rest of the blog. I am willing to allow other people to put up their own there if they want to - but they will need to be approved by me. This is to prevent bogus information - like what happened to the xbone users last week when some joker posted on how to 'fix' the new xbox one so it would be backwards compatible - his instructions bricked the box - and it was done on purpose as a joke. :rolleyes:


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Okay. Its funny, but I actually KNOW people would rather ask than read. There's just SO MANY basic, fundamental questions about mods, <insert game name here>, and computers that the thought of a simple guide keeps occurring to me.


I appreciate your reply. And, btw, thanks for your blog; I've visited it many times. (I've used your arguments against piracy several times.)


But you've given me another idea. Since they won't read, I could write a Powershell script to go in and ... :wink:





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