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[Request] RTX Remix functionality Priston Tale

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Note, In regards to 'game spesific question rule' Priston Tale isn't listed on any of the sub-forums. Hence why I posted here.

Hello Nexus,

I wanted to bring your attention to NVIDIA's recent announcement regarding the release of their RTX-Remix open-source software, which can be found here:

As an avid player of the old-school MMORPG Priston Tale (you can refer to https://pristontale.eu/), I am curious if anyone within the community would be interested and capable of utilizing this software. To my knowledge the game engine currently runs on DX9, I attempted to use the new NVIDIA tool with my limited knowledge and skills, but was not successful.


If there is anyone in the community who has the expertise and willingness to assist with this matter, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all the modders in advance!

Edited by ImTheAgency
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