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i need some help and info


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hello everyone im just starting out learning to use mods since i finally have a computer that can handle it and iv been trying to learn on my own but need some help since i keep screwing it up and getting ctd. i just deleted my mod list and did a fresh install again. im playing the latest AE on steam and modding with MO2, im wondering if its worth using ENBs along with mods and if someone can recommend some good mod packs focusing on immersion, graphics and movement since when i try making my own mod list my load order ends up WAY too big. iv also been looking for mods that add new beast races to the game not just playable but also npcs if anyone has suggestions. Another thing is that on some mods it tells me that the mods data directory doesn't look right and i need to create a directory for it but i honestly have no idea how to fix this properly. How important is the rule 43 errors some mods have is it a absolute must fix or can i ignore it for a couple mods? Can i have more than one instance manager for the same game but with different mods? is it ok to use the mod menu on the game and MO2 or is it best to only use mods on MO2? im sorry if these are dumb questions but any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.

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