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Need some help for texturing objects


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Hello everybody,


I'm trying to texture objects in GIMP but I don't know how to generate mipmaps.


There is a "main surface" ans 9 mipmaps at 256x256 size, 128x128 size, 64x64 size etc...

I don't know how to make them so my textures are dirty or don't appear in Nifskope.


Sorry for my very bad english :-\


Thanks for your answers.

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gimp dds plugin should automatically generate mipmaps, check the options of save window eventually if something is unchecked... tecnically when you open files you do not even need gimp to show mipmaps,

if still do not work try to pass dds file in ddsopt (can find on nexus) it should add missing mips

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ok! so when I save my texture, GIMP generate automatically the mipmaps?


And another question, I'm not sure of my _n.dss


I'm going to normalmap and then, witch transparence to apply?


It's difficult for me to explain in english, I'm so bad!!!! and my GIMP is in french.


I generate normalmap and "différence gaussienne" plus "couleur vers alpha"?

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It's working!


The problem was the wrong files (32 bits instead of 64 bits) so the "load dss" pop-up was not open when I was loading a DDS files... ooops ^^


And I'm steel so bad in english, I hope someone can understand me ;-)

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