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What file or where to mod the sex/nationality/race of soldiers?


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Just wanted to make it so I get more male than female, and more of certain types of country soldiers. Is their a file that will make it easy. I am working with Enemy Within... thanks


I want to do this so as you recruit new soldiers, these changes will take effect. EXAMPLE... 75% come as male and 25% come as female, approximately.

Edited by tdevine
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XComGame.upk, class XGCharacterGenerator, function CreateTSoldier ... Gender 1 is male, 2 is female.


Enemy Within Patch 1:

// 50% female : 50% male
    kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender = ((Rand(2) == 0) ? 2 : 1);

Enemy Unknown Patch 6:

// 33% female : 67% male
    kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender = ((Rand(3) == 0) ? 2 : 1);

25% female : 75% male should be Rand(4).

Edited by Drakous79
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