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[Idea] Feral ghoul playstyle


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I'm currently playing as a feral-like ghoul using ghoulification mod (plus FOOK and MMM), killing (or trying to kill) everything and everyone on my path. I also gave myself Cannibal perk and Deathclaw Gauntlet on the start to be able to act as feral ghoul.

This is how I look (raider armor + hockey mask) to give you some insights:

http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/7278/ghoul.jpg http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/9203/ghoul2.jpg


Now about the mod idea (changes on that ghoulification mod):

1. Add like +20% speed

2. Add slow self-regeneration

3. Add unarmed ghoul-like weapons. Like the Deathclaw Gauntlet but smaller and equipable for both hands like knuckles. Make it impossible to unequip or restrict from using all other weapons.

4. Add scarier ghoul skin/look

5. Restrictions from using heavier armor (heavier than 15-20 DR). No metal armor or higher allowed.

6. Remove or lower the radiation loosing per second

7. Change the perks that add radiation resistance to add minus resistance instead. (or remove the bonus)

8. Make non-ghoul NPC's hostile.

9. Make mutants non-hostile. Make them hostile on close distance (they should attack when approached)

10. Make some tattered armor.

11. Add some mutation/ghoul perks.

12. Cut the weight limit to ~50 (you don't need or should carry much as a ghoul)


That's all I can think about now.

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