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Any Modders Around?


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Hey all,


I have this funny idea but i have no idea to mod myself so maybe someone can make a mod based on the idea i have.


As people have seen there is a raft mod , where you can bassicly build an base on a raft.


However , I think with the mod that leviathans never goes back into sea it would be funny to build an base on a leviathan as its currently forbidden to even put a workbench on a leviathan.


Everyone's dream to be able to acctaully build on ocean base ( safe from raids aswell ):D


Well Hit me up or hoping that someone can make this happen!.



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  • 5 months later...

Hey all,


I have this funny idea but i have no idea to mod myself so maybe someone can make a mod based on the idea i have.


As people have seen there is a raft mod , where you can bassicly build an base on a raft.


However , I think with the mod that leviathans never goes back into sea it would be funny to build an base on a leviathan as its currently forbidden to even put a workbench on a leviathan.


Everyone's dream to be able to acctaully build on ocean base ( safe from raids aswell ) :D


Well Hit me up or hoping that someone can make this happen!.



Mods already exist that could allow that.



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