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[SSE] Picnic tables or outdoor dining


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Been looking for a mod that has picnic tables or outdoor dining. I got a sack of burgers and fries from Burger Jarl but no place outdoor to sit and spread out all my dipping sauces. I even got Pepsi from another brothel mod. Wouldn't mind a nice view. Maybe some animated snacking, munching, belching, reaching for the antacid. Mini quest to find all the viewpoints and watch the sunset. Or maybe stumble upon a view vista with a picnic table set there for drinking a bottle of wine, having some cheese. Snacks not provided so you have to bring your own. Tables could be specific to that area. Log for forested areas. Stone for stoney areas. Or maybe a picnic blanket that you can drop and sit on. Eat an apple pie and have a nap. I'm on my 368th playthrough and don't have quite enough mods installed yet. Lol. If there's something like this that I missed, i'd appreciate a nudge. Thanks.

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