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request for an anime-esq weapon


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ok, so im wondering if its possible to make some swords for a melee spec'd character, as a fan of anime i find some of the melee weapons lacking when i want to do certain thing and a lot of the throwing weapons are similarly lacking


SO! i come to ask if someone can mod me a few blades (all i ask is that they are not overly fancy, other than that take whatever creative liberties)


just a simple katana, with a SERIOUSLY boosted attack speed (like as fast as you can click) ,lower damage (so i can spam slashes)


same as the first but with the ignore armor ability like the deathclaw gauntlet


(if its even possible) a sword for ranged attacks that throws out air slashes / sword beams at a a rate similar to the other two (with a visible projectile with about the speed of an unmodded plasma weaponif possible)


a zwihander / claymore type weapon sword (used like a bumper sword) with a boosted attack speed


a "sonic sword" similar to this (with at least a chinese sword model if no one wants to make a custom model) at shoots out eith a sonic blast like the lakelurks or a tesla type shot (can it be flagged as silenced and a imp. holdout weapon?)


a "deathclaw knife": a knife made out of a deathclaw's claw, for thouse of us who dont want the gauntlet


a "chain sword" (think a bumper sword meets a ripper on roids with a blade width like the normal chainsaw and a bout 3-4x as long)


and just for fun: a fork with instant kill damage and makes enemies explode when you poke them with it > :D

Edited by gh0stshadow1291
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