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making a fake load door close itself

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basically I need a load door to close after the player has activated it, at the moment the fake load door teleports the player to an xmarker but does not close itself after being used.


I want to have multiple fake load doors teleport the player to one xmarker heading.


the script I am using on the fake load doors at the moment:


Scriptname AAAloaddoorteleporttoxmarker extends ObjectReference Const
ObjectReference Property XMarker Auto Const
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
Utility.Wait(1) ; Wait for 1 seconds
Event OnCellDetach()
another script I tried using but got the same result:
Scriptname AAAloadDOORtelportXMARKER2 extends ObjectReference Const
ObjectReference Property XMarker Auto Const
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
Utility.Wait(1) ; Wait for 1 seconds
thank you.


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My guess is that it can not process SetOpen(false) until it is fully open (GetOpenState == 1), so that I'd suggest using OnOpen instead of OnActivate, because OnOpen says: "Event called when the object has finished opening."

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