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DL-44 Heavy blaster


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I wanted to discuss the possiblities on the creation of Han Solo's DL-44 Heavy blaster. Basically is a chinese pistol mesh with a scope on the top, with a flared out muzzle. There might be some legal issues with the whole star wars thing so i was thinking that we could call the gun the soloist special.


Dmg 20-30

avg. health

high durability

higher than normal accuracy.


ammo, electron charge pack or micro fusion cells

im not to sure about the relode. The standard chinese pitol relode animation could stay defualt but it might take away from the weapons lore. but the standard laser pistol relode animation might look to silly with that model.


and it would have the scope function. although haveing the scope mesh with out the scope fuction would work just as well. I would want this as nothing more than pure eye candy while staying some what usefull in the world and not be overpowered.


You guys tell me what you think and if some one could help me out that would be fantasic.


I think that this mesh would work great with this mod "Wasteland Scout for Type 3 from exeter" and the French Hair Buns from "Hair Pack mod from Yoshikinakota"well that is my idea in a nut shell, i just need some help getting it off the ground. thank you for your time.

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Yea this is defiantly possible, and don't worry about legal issues, it's just a mod, Look at the Nintendo Suit, MUCH worse and

NOONE cares!


The Damage is a little high for a Chinese pistol AKA Mauser Broomhandle, which with FOOK is what its called (or something else now they've updated since I got it)

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damage is high for a Mauser, but actually rather conservative for a DL-44, considering we saw that thing frying people alive and tearing out chunks of ferrocrete the size of a man's torso, spraying shrapnel around and with a shockwave able to knock people over several meters away.


If you just want it to be a modified stat item with the regular Chinese Pistol mesh that's really easy, just give it the Enclave eyebot or frag grenade explosion effect when it hits something and use the bolt projectile from the E-11 mod, as well as a soundbyte of a DL-44 going off, it makes a rather distinctive sound.


But a True DL-44 would need a modified mesh as well, with greeblies on the main body, possibly a scope, and the bell thing on the end of the barrel.

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There are several versions that are considered cannon for the infamous DL-44. If you do a google search on it you will see that there are some with a full scope on top, or a half scope on the side of the slide. others with a black bell at the end of the muzzle and others with a silver bell. The Chinese pistol would serve as the perfect base mesh wise.


His gun really dosent require a whole lot of greebles. and the gun textures already provided in game would do just fine.


the one that I was shooting for was the version of the full scope on top of the gun with the silver bell at the end of the muzzle.

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There are 2 cannon versions of the Blas-Tech DL-44 heavy blaster that Han uses. One from A New Hope and a second version from Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.


"A New Hope"



"Empire Strikes Back"


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