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Really unique player character


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First of all a friendly "HI!" to the modding community ;-)


I am aware of the fact that there is already a mod making textures for the player character unique so they are only used on the character you play. My idea is somewhat different but following this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13712/? but I want to explain first what brought me to the idea.


I love realism and atmosphere as well as nice textures - so I downloaded tons of mods and tried them out. The only thing I began missing was the following:

Warpaints that apply to the whole body instead of the face only and painted fingernails for female characters (maybe even black nail polish for the "badass male characters").


Which brought me to the following idea:

I want to ask YOU, the modding community, if it is possible for someone of you creating a mod which includes "Body warpaints" fitting to the ones you can choose for faces (would be quite much of work I guess), nailpolish for females and/or males as well as new skin/lip/eye-colors for the player character.


If there is someone who is interested and able to do this mod or to instruct me how to do this myself (I would get desperate at the body warpaints though) I would appreciate either a direct answer or a personal message.


Thanks for reading!



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There are already a few body warpaints since Racemenu came out and allows them. Do a search for "racemenu overlays" and you should find a few some that match up to coresponding warpaints as well. I'm not linking them because the files are marked adult and I've no idea what your settings are. You'll of course need Racemenu and the corespondent ini tweaks to use them.


As for nail color, I do recall seeing a mod for painted nails at one point (female only iirc) though it's not hard to add them yourself to any texture you want you just need to be able to open the texture in a paint program and be able to resave the file in it's original format when you're done.

Edited by Oubliette
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