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Mods aren't working in any game.

Go to solution Solved by shakedcham,

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Mods that I put in any game just don't appear.


The mod staging folder is in the same drive(D:) as the game folder.


Also moved the Downloads folder to the "Vortex Mods" folder.


Also the Vortex launcher itself is downloaded in the same drive(D:).

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Why would you put Downloads in the Vortex Mods folder? You had best not do that if it is the mod staging folder.

Vortex/Downloads is a fine place for downloads.


Pick one single mod you say is not working.

1) What game

2) What mod

3) Is mod enabled

4) Is mod deployed

5) If it has an esp, etc - is it enabled on Plugins tab


How do you know the mod is not working?


We can't make any suggestions here unless we know what you are talking about.

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  • Solution

Ok so I reinstalled vortex, found it's in the (C:) drive, realized it's ok for it to be there. the downloads folder has been set to default(in the vortex folder). The only thing I had to do is to automatically use suggested path for staging folder, and also I forgot to deploy the mods themselves so my bad I'm stupid.

Thanks for the help!

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God job!

If you have future problems, people here can help.

Just remember:

1) Describe environment. Game and mod. The more information you give the better.

2) Describe problem. What doesn't work.

3) Keep it simple. Not "My hundred mods don't work together". Pick just one. Name it.

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