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[SSE] Summerwear for HIMBO!


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-This would be a great replacer or standalone for a warm weather skyrim playthough, frankly a must have to compliment the ladies skimpy outfits.



-I'm not even sure how many of the outfits are replaced by this set but this is really going in a great direction.





and to quote from the post:


-regarding meshes: "You may do what you wish with the meshes but the textures I have no rights to..."


-and the textures: "The uploaded clothing textures are mostly altered from Gamwich's Rustic clothing, (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69784) probably the best clothing re-texture mod out.

The uploaded armor textures are mostly altered from aMidianBorn and Outlandish, two highly competent texture artists."

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