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Noob modding help


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I did a very brief search for this but didn't find anything. I want to know how I would make an object (like a little lamp) teleport the player to a different place in a different cell. I know it's probably pretty simple, but I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff. Thanks in advance.
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This comes in two parts, the activater and the script.


The Activater:

In the construction set, look for the object you want under "Activaters" under "World Objects". If you don't find an activater you like there, you will have to create a new one using a mesh for the object you want. If you find an activater you like, create a copy of it in the object list.


The Script:

Create a script with these lines:


ScriptName [TheNameYouWantGivenToThisScriptInOneWord]

Begin OnActivate player

Player.MoveTo [ID of Object you want player moved to]



Save it as an object script and attach it to your activater.


I hope this helped you.

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