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@!#Mod: Setting Up Your Own Traps :Mod#!@


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like this? Where you can set down your own bear traps, brahmin meat flingy hit you in the facey type thing, and the occasional combat shotgun trap.

If one exsists could anyone give me a link to it?

If not maybe someone could try their hand at it. (reason being i am not an experienced enough modder)

:thanks: in advance :D

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I considered asking about/trying this, but I had a hard time justifying its use. It would be pretty awesome to design and protect your "lair" against, say, random incursions - but how long until those random incursions become annoying?
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Well i don't know if there's anything like that out but there's a mod that resembles it a lil bit.

It's called RTS (real time settler), i didn't download it so i don't know everything about it.

But from the pics i saw about it, you can build like your own lil lair, some autoguns and stuff, it's not the same as traps but still you can build a defensive perimiter :biggrin:

and actually i like this mod idea a lot (not a modder) so i would also say thanks to anyone who would make this :biggrin: :thanks:

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