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flickering lights


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i have been looking all though the geck for a switch that i can use with some lights. is there a electric switch in the geck?












You want an activator.


An easy way to find a switch is to type "switch" into the filter box in the upper left corner of the object window. scroll down to the bootom of the list and select *All. It will display everything with the word switch in the game. I find lots of stuff that way, by plugging in names and previewing whatever pops up to see if there is something that I'm looking for.

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i have been looking all though the geck for a switch that i can use with some lights. is there a electric switch in the geck?












You want an activator.


An easy way to find a switch is to type "switch" into the filter box in the upper left corner of the object window. scroll down to the bottom of the list and select *All. It will display everything with the word switch in the game. I find lots of stuff that way, by plugging in names and previewing whatever pops up to see if there is something that I'm looking for.

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