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Problems with Armor Textures


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Hello there,

im getting my Skyrim modded again and im trying and installing mods for a few days now.

Suddely i have some invisible or violett armors and i dont know why. When i spawn at whiterun, the guards in front of the gates have invisible bodys and aela and a other companion are having some pieces of their armor violett.

How does something like this happen?

The last things i did with my Skyrim was trying AutoBody. I changed from BHUNP to 3BA and deinstalled the BHUNP Armor replacer and installed a CBBE one. Also i tried BnP Skin for female and male with BRT.

I tried to uninstall all the things i did and changed back to BHUNP to see if the last thing i added are the problems, but the armors still look the same. I also started a new save to take a look.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)

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If you didn't start a new game after changing things back, a lot of information is locked, or 'baked' into the save file. AutoBody might well have placed information that you no longer have installed. Good luck!

Yeah i started a new save :c

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