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Over Modding?


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I don't really have any pictures so I'll explain my problem as best as I can,

Now that's out of the way here's the problem:

For some reason when I loaded my New Vegas I can play for a good 4 minutes before the textures start messing up AND I mean like the textures interchange and there are random red diamonds everywhere.
It usually happens after I fast travel or when I reload a save, now I've tried to make a new character (with the same files. I'm still trying to work my way around this -.-) and it still happens.


I know this is a pretty dumb question but is there a way to fix this without removing any mods?

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Red diamonds in Fallout mean a missing mesh. This can happen of you have too many mods - usually over about 140 to 170 depending on your specific system and the mods you use. and strange things start to happen.


If you have less than 140 mods - It can also happen if you managed to install a mod wrong - and put the meshes for that mod in the wrong place. OR a mod requires another mod that is not installed.

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