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CTD when saving after time has passed


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Hello Nexus Users,


Quick problem here; I'm experiencing silent CTDs whenever I save (quicksave/console save/menu save) after time has passed in game. Whether it's after I've fast traveled, wait for time to pass, or let time pass naturally, at some point when I go to save I get a silent CTD. This is relatively new, as I was just playing for several hours without any issues with the exception of a few CTDs, which are in the norm for me. This is an entirely different beast it seems. I've listed my BOSS log below (mind you this isn't the actual load order, just all of my mods: Warbugs is popped to the end of the order, and Undeath has some workarounds)


I'm working with

Windows 7 64-bit

intel i7-950 CPU




I'd appreciate any and all help!


Update: It seems to occur whether I'm in an exterior or interior cell, neither location makes a difference.




  • Skyrim.esm Active
  • Update.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Dawnguard.esm Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • HearthFires.esm Active
  • Dragonborn.esm Active
  • ApachiiHair.esm Active
  • Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version.esm Active
  • ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Active
  • ETaC - RESOURCES.esm Active
  • JSwords.esm Active
  • moonpath.esm Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Omegared99-Compilation.esm Active
  • SPIKE.esm Active
  • Xvision Children.esm Active
  • Xvision Children - Complete.esp Active
  • riften jail test 2.esp Active
    • Error: Delete. Already included in Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp.
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}}
    • Note: If you using version 2.0 of the unofficial patches but you see this message you need to download this file: userlist.txt. After the download you need to copy this file to your 'BOSS\Skyrim\' folder or add the contents of this file to an already existing userlist.txt. Just ignore this message after updating any preexisting userlist.txt or copying the file to your 'BOSS\Skyrim\' folder.
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}}
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Stats}}
  • aelafacelift.esp Active
  • Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active
  • Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active
  • PNENB.esp Active
  • SplashofRain.esp Active
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp
  • Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp Active
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp
  • StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp
  • AMatterOfTime.esp Active
  • auto unequip arrows.esp Active
  • bladesfactionfix.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • GypsyEyesCaravan.esp Active
  • Immersive Battles.esp Active
  • Immersive Brigands.esp Active
  • Immersive Dawnguard.esp Active
  • Immersive Dragonborn.esp Active
  • Immersive Factions.esp Active
  • Immersive Mercenaries.esp Active
  • Immersive Patrols.esp Active
  • Immersive Travelers.esp Active
  • Immersive Werewolves.esp Active
  • lanterns of skyrim - all in one.esp Active
    • Note: Obsolete. Update to latest version.
  • unlimitedbookshelves.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 36 ITM, 59 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • WetandCold.esp Active
  • DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp Active
    • Note: Make sure you have not switched DoF off in your ini file. If you don't see any effect, open you Skyrimprefs.ini and look for 'bDoDepthOfField'. Make sure it is set to 1.
  • JSwords_Load_Screens.esp Active
  • RaceMenu.esp Active
  • RaceMenuPlugin.esp Active
    • Note: RaceMenuPlugin is optional and provides support to alter Height, Breast, Glute and Biceps. If you experience issues with it, disable RaceMenuPlugin.esp and inform the author.
  • SkyUI.esp Active
  • iHUD.esp Active
  • black mage armor.esp Active
  • BosmerArmorMATY743.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
  • Cloaks.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Active
  • 1nivWICCloaks.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
  • 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active
  • dbarmor.esp Active
  • DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp Active
  • DragonbornArmorFix.esp Active
  • hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 5 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • konahrik_accoutrements.esp Active
  • konahrik_accoutrements_db.esp Active
  • konahrik_accoutrements_dpe.esp Active
  • Konahriks Privilege by Edhelsereg.esp Active
  • Omegared99-WeaponSets.esp Active
  • Ritual Armor of Boethiah.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • warchiefarmor.esp Active
  • Dr_Bandolier.esp Active
  • Dr_BandolierDG.esp Active
  • HarvestOverhaulDawnguardDragonborn.esp Active
  • HarvestOverhaulSalmonRoe.esp Active
  • HarvestOverhaulCreaturesDawnguardHearthfireDragonborn.esp Active
  • DeadlyDragons.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active
  • DeadlyMonsters.esp Active
  • SkyRe_Main.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}
    • Note: If lockpicking is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'.
    • Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.
    • Note: To make aiming easier add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:
    • Note: [Actor]
    • Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000
    • Note: [Combat]
    • Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
    • Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
    • Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
    • Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
  • SkyRe_Main_Fix.esp Active
  • SkyRe_Combat.esp Active
  • SkyRe_CraftingFix.esp Active
  • SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Active
  • SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
  • SkyRe_EnemyScaling_Fix.esp Active
  • SkyRe_HarvestOverhaulDawnguardDragonbornPatch.esp Active
  • SkyRe_StandingStones.esp Active
  • SkyRe_StandingStones_Fix.esp Active
  • SkyRe_Survivalism.esp Active
  • konahrik_accoutrements_SkyRe.esp Active
  • SkyRe_RitualArmorOfBoethiah.esp Active
  • Unique Uniques.esp Active
  • SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp Active
  • adalmatar.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 17 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
    • Note: V1.1+: This file contains 3 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically, and which are reported by the mod author to be harmless artifacts from Creation Kit export.
  • quest_andtherealmsofdaedra.esp Active
  • Bards&Merchants.esp Active
  • betterriften.esp Active
  • Convenient Horse Herding.esp Active
  • DA_Skyship.esp Active
  • DA_Skyship_Dragonborn.esp Active
  • Hunting in Skyrim - No Perks.esp Active
  • Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp
  • Immersive Dawnstar.esp Active
  • Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp
  • Immersive Falkreath.esp Active
  • Immersive Ivarstead.esp
  • Immersive Karthwasten.esp Active
  • Immersive Kynesgrove.esp Active
  • Immersive Morthal.esp
  • Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp Active
  • Immersive Riverwood.esp
  • Immersive Rorikstead.esp
  • Immersive Shors stone.esp Active
  • Immersive Solstheim.esp Active
  • Immersive Stonehills.esp Active
  • Immersive Whiterun.esp Active
  • Inconsequential NPCs.esp Active
  • Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp Active
  • moonpath_questdata.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • quest_nomercy.esp Active
  • quest_sorcery.esp Active
  • quest_seaofghosts.esp Active
  • SkyHavenTempleEnhanced.esp Active
  • Stuck In Solstheim.esp Active
  • quest_thebiggertheyare.esp Active
  • TheDomain.esp Active
    • Warning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record(s) that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.
  • thefrontier.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 9 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp Active
    • Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • Thunderchild - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp Active
  • Undeath.esp Active
  • Vjarkell Castle.esp Active
    • Warning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record(s) that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.
  • Book Covers Skyrim.esp Active
  • Book Covers Dawnguard.esp Active
  • Book Covers Hearthfire.esp Active
  • Book Covers Dragonborn.esp Active
  • dynamicmerchants.esp Active
  • Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active
    • Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • Rebirth Monster.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
  • SkyFalls + SkyMills - Total edition NO Falskaar.esp Active
  • SFO - Dragonborn.esp Active
  • SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Active
  • Convenient Horses.esp Active
    • Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
  • dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active
  • TheChoiceIsYours.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp Active
  • wizDynamicThings.esp Active
  • aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Active
  • ETaC - Darkwater.esp Active
  • ETaC - Dragon Bridge.esp Active
  • ETaC - Ivarstead.esp Active
  • ETaC - Riverwood.esp Active
  • ETaC - Rorikstead.esp Active
  • ETaC - Morthal.esp Active
  • Helgen Reborn.esp Active
  • BFT Ships and Carriages - HF.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 64 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • RealisticRoomRental.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 44 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
    • Warning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record(s) that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.
  • RRR_Hearthfire-Patch.esp Active
  • RRR_Dragonborn-Patch.esp Active
  • EnhancedLightsandFX.esp Active
  • ELFX - Exteriors.esp Active
  • ELFX - Dawnguard.esp Active
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp Active
    • Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Cold.esp Active
    • Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul
  • ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-5.esp Active
  • RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp Active
    • Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
    • Requires: RND_USKP-Patch.esp
  • RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp Active
  • RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp Active
  • RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp Active
  • Predator Vision.esp Active
  • Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp
  • WerewolfMastery.esp Active
  • WerewolfPerksExpanded_1.6.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • WerewolfPerksExpanded_1.6b.esp
    • Contains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 11 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • HitStop.esp Active
  • DeadlySpellImpacts.esp Active
  • Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp Active
  • NoSneakAttackSound.esp Active
  • DragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp Active
  • Locational Damage.esp Active
  • The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp Active
  • ksArgonianWarPaint.esp Active
  • Inigo.esp Active
  • beanshousecarlsfix.esp Active
  • blaze of eventide.esp Active
  • UniqueFaendal.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one UniqueFaendal esp.
  • UniqueFaendalSpecialized.esp Active
    • Note: Use only one UniqueFaendal esp.
  • mjollfacelift-v4-1-Black.esp Active
  • My_Little_hatchling.esp Active
  • AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Active
  • chesko_beltquiver_steam.esp Active
  • SkyRe_Races.esp Active
  • SkyRe_Races_Fix.esp Active
  • WATER.esp Active
  • WATER Plants.esp Active
  • WATER DB Waves.esp Active
  • RND_Water-Patch.esp Active
  • Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp Active
    • Contains dirty edits: 9 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
  • Bashed Patch, 0.esp Active
  • ASIS-Dependency.esp Active
  • ASIS.esp Active
  • ReProccer.esp Active
  • SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active
    • Note: Deactivate 'SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp' before creation of ASIS patch and activate only after creation of ASIS patch.
  • ReProccerNONPLAYERfix.esp Active
  • ReProccerDragonborn.esp Active




Papyrus Log



[12/23/2013 - 09:46:52AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:53AM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].TrapPoisonGas.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].TrapPoisonGas.OnUpdate() - "TrapPoisonGas.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:53AM] Error: Unable to call IsFurnitureInUse - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.IsFurnitureInUse() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:53AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:57AM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].TrapPoisonGas.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].TrapPoisonGas.OnUpdate() - "TrapPoisonGas.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:57AM] Error: Unable to call IsFurnitureInUse - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.IsFurnitureInUse() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:57AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:58AM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].TrapPoisonGas.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].TrapPoisonGas.OnUpdate() - "TrapPoisonGas.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:58AM] Error: Unable to call IsFurnitureInUse - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.IsFurnitureInUse() - "<native>" Line ?
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:46:58AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"
[None]._DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.OnUpdate() - "_DE_WoodChoppingFurnitureScript.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:05AM] Error: Cannot call HasKeyword() on a None object, aborting function call
[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line ?
[ (00032AC2)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line ?
[ (00032AC2)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:05AM] Error: Cannot call HasKeyword() on a None object, aborting function call
[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line ?
[ (00032AC2)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:05AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"
[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line ?
[ (00032AC2)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line ?
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:13AM] VM is freezing...
[12/23/2013 - 09:47:13AM] VM is frozen



Edited by Styger
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