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Enabling/disabling a fire node with the press of a button?


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I'm making a torture-chamber mod, and so far have been successful at avoiding having to write my own scripts, but I have a very cool idea with fire and need help writing the script to


1) Enable the fire at the press of a button if it's disabled


2) Disable the fire if it's enabled


3) Without sacrificing the fire damage effect


Any code you can provide to get me started, or if I can do this without writing a script, is much appreciated.

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What exactly do you mean by "the press of a button"? Do you mean a keyboard button or a switch on the wall, lever, etc?


I mean the use of an activator in game. More specifically, the flame node will be under a cage with a prisoner in it, when I press a button on the wall (or pull a lever) the flame node activates, also causing fire damage, then when I press the button again, the flame node deactivates.

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That's easy then. You need an activater, the flame node and a script. Find the flame node and activater you want and make a copy of them by giving them a name you like. Place the copied node and activater into your torture chamber, add a reference ID to the flame node and set it as a persistant reference and initially disabled.


Next, create this script:


ScriptName [NameYouWantToGiveYourScriptInOneWord]

Short FlameEnableState

Begin OnActivate player

If FlameEnableState == 0
Set FlameEnableState to 1
PlayGroup forward  <= Add this is only if the activater animates when activated
ElseIf FlameEnableState == 1
Set FlameEnableState to 0
PlayGroup backward  <= Add this is only if the activater animates when activated

This one is a bit tricky. If the activater only has one animation (Ayleid pushswitch, for example), it should say "forward". If there are two or more animations (example: lever switch), you must keep "backward".




Save this as an object script and attach it to your activater. Job done!

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