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[SSE] Sleeves and pants for the Lord’s Mail creation.


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Honestly. It is a pretty cool piece of armor. Bu to me its a bummer that it doesnt actually have sleeves let alone there being a mod for doing such a thing. Ive seen a few mods on bethesda.net that add sleeves to armor that are basically just shirts and tunics or hunks of wearable leather and metal put together. Is there a mod that adds sleeves to the Lords Mail creation? If not, Id like to request one?


Note: this is a copy paste from a deleted users topic. Im updating the topic because the original didnt get any responses within like six months and I actually like the idea.


Another user who asked what exactly should the sleeves and pants look like. Maybe they should match the armor color, texture and mesh? That does sound about accurate.


Can someone take this into consideration please?

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