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3ds Max Help


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Hi everyone.

I'm pretty new to Max and to the modding scene itself, so please excuse the potential naivety of my questions.

My problem is this:

I'm working on a custom curaiss for the game, which I have built on top of the vanilla mesh for the male upper body. The modeling went fine, but my issues start when I have to attach it to the bones. I've added a skin modifier, and added the bones to mesh, and I've even added weight (which I'm totally not sure if I'm doing right, because I'm having such a hard time finding anything that explains how in any kind of detail). So I've exported and loaded it up in the construction set, and it appears fine, (the nif opens fine too). When I go to test it in game however, either the game crashes, or the mesh distorts off into infinity.


I suspect the issues lies in my complete and utter lack of knowledge as to how to effectively weight the mesh. It also could have something to do with export settings.


Any kind of help, advice, or links to weighting tutorials would be fantastic. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.






P.S. I can get screen shots if need be.

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the skin wrap modifier is only useful if you basicly have a new mesh which looks quite like a vanilla mesh thats weighted yet as it just copies the weights from one mesh to another...

put the skin wrap modifier on the new mesh and select the vanilla one as the target as said above...


otherwise id say check some youtube videos... they have quite the good tutorials tho im unsure if they have some bout skinning... but reading the max help does help aswell... its a rather complex process for sure tho

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Um, okay. I really thought that was going to be the ticket, but apparently not.


It didn't work, mesh is now invisible in the CS.


What are the best export settings for this kind of work?


Oh, also, when I try to export with "Enable Multiple Partitions" on, i get the error:

"bad NiSkinData - some vertices have no weights at all"

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invisible: make sure the nimaterialproperty in the nif has 100% opacity... (use nifskope for that)


bad niskindata: as the error says some of your vetices dont have weights... if u used skin wrap that happns most of the time and you have to manually paint the remaining vertices by hand...

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select the envelopes in the skin modifier and try to find the parts which are not enveloped...


usually those that are plain white or grey are those unweighted (if you just select all vertices you should see their colour)

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Alright, the weighting is starting to look better, meshes are showing up in the construction set, albeit in a wonky sort of way.


For some reason certain meshes are showing up tilted or rotated sideways in the CS. For example, finally got all the weighting on the curaiss to look good in MAX, but in the CS it's rotated right ever so slightly on it's Y axis. A related problem is this: when I join the two pauldrons into one mesh, one is in the right place, while the other is rotated up slightly, even though it's in place in max. HOWEVER, when they are separate meshes, they fit into place just fine. Really don't know what is causing this.


Finally, despite looking nice in the CS, the game still crashes when I equip it. The only solution I can fathom for this right now is the fact that I have yet to fix the texture paths, although that contradicts my past experiences, in which textureless meshes tend to appear bright neon purple, as apposed to crashing the game.


Anything will help.


Thanks guys.



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Hmmm. Also, something unrelated, I'm not sure how this developed but it seems the normal vanilla eye textures aren't being applied to the meshes properly on anyone in the game, so everyone looks crosseyed and demonic. I assume this is an after effect some mod, but I'm even running into this in the CS with only the .esm turned on. I don't even know where to begin with this one.




Ha! I just noticed it looks like the cover of that tool album! But seriously, what's happening is the texture is tiling. Not sure what to do about it though?

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