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Retexturing confusion


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I am completely new to this whole modding concept of retexturing items and i am trying to learn how to do it.


i have been following this tutorial




and even that seems complex to me. i have downloaded all i need for it (BSA commander, Texture replacer, photoshop addon)


but im stuck on number 5 of the tutorial, what does it mean by "Extracted" when i click on the file in TR (Texture Replacer) it opens another box at the right hand side that says the same and some symbols on the right of that (X,...,V) what do they mean ? :blink:


If any one can help it would be surely appreciated.


yours sincerely:


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Pronunciation: \ik-ˈstrakt, oftenest in sense 5 ˈek-ˌ\

Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin extractus, past participle of extrahere, from ex- + trahere to draw

Date: 15th century

1 a: to draw forth (as by research) <extract data> b: to pull or take out forcibly <extracted a wisdom tooth> c: to obtain by much effort from someone unwilling <extracted a confession>

2 a: to withdraw (as a juice or fraction) by physical or chemical process b: to treat with a solvent so as to remove a soluble substance

3: to separate (a metal) from an ore

4: to determine (a mathematical root) by calculation

5: to select (excerpts) and copy out or cite

synonyms see educe

— ex·tract·abil·i·ty \ik-ˌstrak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē, (ˌ)ek-\ noun

— ex·tract·able \ik-ˈstrak-tə-bəl, ˈek-ˌ\ adjective

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