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Didn't it never bother you that if you are playing as a good karma character, you never run out of enemies?

and if you play as an evil one you can only murder out a city and that's only fun for like 2 hours and then everybody's dead? :whistling:

well what i would like to ask is that someone could make something where residents (not always the same npcs but maybe a lil variation) could be respawned in places like megaton, rivet city, tenpenny and the citadel?

just something that would be logical in my opinion..

didn't you ever wonder if you murdered out tenpenny, megaton or rivet city (places where everybody has heard about) nobody BUT ABSOLUTLY NOBODY goes there to have a lil peek and scavenge over there?.... :mellow:

and you can't say they didn't heard about it because the traiders would have spread the word that the 101 kid murdered all their buyers? :thumbsup:

well the thing is,, could somebody make some spawning points in those cities that if an npc dies over there it gets replaced by a new one?

and owyeah just don't make it that the new one will be a copy of the old one (eg. i kill tenpenny, 2 days later he's back from the dead like a ZOMBAH.. ok nvm that :unsure: )


anywayz :thanks: to anyone who considers this ^^

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yeah i know about that one but i was thinking about a mod where the npc really replace the roles of theones you killed, some who try to find their fortune over there in the murdered out city..

like someone who takes control over the bar and the shops (can use same sound files of the vanilla npcs)

so that will bring a lil more immersion than a bunch of travellers who wander around with no purpose in a city full of corpses

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You can make NPC's completely randomized on Respawn. Is that what you are looking for? So when you kill them and come back 4 days later there will be a new NPC there with different look, weapons and name.


But if you want it more complex then you would have to make it as a quest where when the city is killed off, scavengers (where ever they may be) from all over the wasteland will go to that city. Then when they are killed they will respawn 4 days laters at their starting position and repeat the cycle. You can even add in randomization and crap.

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But if you want it more complex then you would have to make it as a quest where when the city is killed off, scavengers (where ever they may be) from all over the wasteland will go to that city. Then when they are killed they will respawn 4 days laters at their starting position and repeat the cycle. You can even add in randomization and crap.


yeah dude that's exactly what i'm looking for :biggrin:

that would create a lil more depth in the storyline and actually it's logical, ashame that i know nothing about modding (i tried but i suck at it :P)

maybe you know someone who already made this or maybe would be intressed in making this?


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