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Fresh install - Where did my thin compass go?


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I'm having trouble finding the specific setting to change the appearance of the compass in Skyrim SE. I performed a fresh installation along with Vortex and noticed that the default compass is not what I wanted. I attempted to modify it by using different presets in SKYHUD and exploring other HUD settings, but none of them seemed to affect the compass.

Interestingly, all my other mods installed correctly and are functioning smoothly without any issues. I just need assistance in finding the option or setting to restore the slim compass that I used to have.

Any help or guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Any ideas?


Here are the huds I have now. (note: the nordic mods I tried recently to see if I could get it back and more importantly, I like the way it looks)










Thanks for any help.

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