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Merry Christmas


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...and a Happy New Year. May the holiday season be joyous, whatever your beliefs or how you choose to celebrate it. We all seem to feel the same at this time of year, when Nature dies and is renewed.

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Merry Xmas and if theres One Gift that i would Truly want is a Brain Cell to be Implemented in my Mentally Challenged Brain, since im a 36 Year Old Man with Down Syndrome where i look like a 16 Year Old and all i Ever want to do is to Mod.


I have 5 South African Friends that ive Discovered on the Nexus that could Teach me Modding, because Tutorials arent always helpful, hence you need to sit next to me and guide me, but alas they are so far away that for example they live in Leeds where i live in London.


Ive sat Quietly through the Years since Oblivion With People telling me Modding is Easy and just Do It instead of making Mod Requests.


I can do it and i feel i can, but its like a Wall over my Brain blocking the path to the Knowledge that i want.


All in all when TES6 comes, my Request List will be on again unless i can get a South African to sit next to me and Teach Me Modding.


You know how i make Threads with all these Ideas, thats the Extend of me being Smart, i just cant Mod.

Edited by daventry
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