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Immersive Armours for CBBE Patch


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Now that the Bodyslide2 is out, is there any chance that anyone can convert the Immersive Armours set by Hothtrooper for the CBBE body?


it's currently not supported, and Hoth stated that it's not planned any support for the CBBE body.


Now with caliente's new tool, I think a quick patch could be made.


I'm sure other people will appreciate it aswell. Any takers? Thanks in advance.

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I'm pretty surprised nobody has uploaded such a thing after all this time, because it really isn't that hard to do. Converting armors from vanilla to CBBE is a pretty trivial task with Outfit Studio, and I did my own conversions of pretty much everything from Immersive Armors ages ago.


I'd just upload those files myself but for a couple of sticking points: I didn't adhere 100% to the standard CBBE body dimensions (more like somewhere between vanilla and cbbe for most things, sometimes I'd get more creative) and I would need to bother hothtrooper44 for permissions. I also selectively added TBBP support to a few of them, but not many, because they're mostly heavy-looking armors where it would look ridiculous.


Maybe my meshes would be better than nothing for CBBE users. I will try shooting a message to hothtrooper44 and see if he wants to work something out.

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