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mod help please!


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ok so this is my first time modding oblivion and im trying to use an OCO v2 mod but it deffinately doesnt look like the screens i was seeing mostly my male characters look off and others feminine. im thinking that i had to install one of the other programs needed to run it wrong. any help would really be appreciated because oblivion looks awesome with all these mods i see people have :D. i am using NMM to install them. and any other mods you would reccomend? thank you in advance and a MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL :D




screens...1- without mod....2 with mod







mods im running




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Blockhead isn't working for you. You have the default unisex mesh and texture applied.


The latest version of Blockhead solves this. Download and install it. And yes, it goes to OBSE / Plugins, just as the readme says.


By the way, the Unofficial Oblivion Patch already has a built-in Race Fix. You don't need another. I suggest you to uninstall that KT_CustomRaceFix.



Edited by IkeCoast
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