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More trouble with OBSE


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I can't for the life of me get OBSE 17a to work with Deadly Reflex v5.


On a fresh install of my GOTY Oblivion + SI + the DLC (everything officially patched), if Deadly Reflex is not checked to load, then the OBSE launcher boots up the game without fail.


If Deadly Reflex IS checked, then OBSE will init, resize the window and in an instant, close. Load order has no effect on this.


I've tried the older Deadly Reflex 4.03 and I get the same problem.


On my old install I had a No-CD .exe but the problem was still exactly the same.


Could somebody who has Deadly Reflex and OBSE working tell me their setup? Whether you're running off the discs, using a No-CD, or even using a backup copy you got from a torrent.


Thanks in advance for any help!


EDIT: Solutions below! Way to go me.

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Aaaand solved only minutes after posting after working on this problem for several hours straight.


If you had this problem, the manual neglects to tell you that Deadly Reflex v5 is dependent on having one of the Timed Block .esms activated and right above the DRv5 .esm in the load order. The Horse Combat .esm however is not essential. Hope this helped somebody >.<

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Oop, it stopped working again. However I figured out a real solution for the problem. Open up OBMM, go to utilities and check for new conflicts. I was missing master files or specific .esms that were freaking out OBSE for no good reason at all. At least everything is good now...


Update: The game will still crash within seconds if you use Deadly Reflex v5, I rolled back to v4.03 and now FINALLY EVERYTHING WORKS.

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