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Longsword attack animation replacement


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I tried digging around for an attack animation replacement for 2-handed swords, and the only mods I was able to find just replaced the draw/sheathe/idle/walk/run animations, or simply made you fight with them one-handed. I'm looking for a replacement that makes the character look like they know what they're doing a claymore and actually swinging a sword, and not a broomstick with a 95lb. weight on the end. Just something to make the combat not look so clumsy and awkward.


If there is already a replacer and I just overlooked it, pointing me in the right direction would be cool. =)


If there isn't, then animations similar to these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gXA6IVDxaM , would be immensely appreciated. The "Spirit Gauge" mechanic and "Spirit Combo" stuff aren't necessary, just the basic swings are enough for me, and since Skyrim doesn't hold you in place while attacking like in Monster Hunter, perhaps using the "Fade Slash" animation for the left/right/back attacks would work.



[edit]: and only after clicking post do I realize that this may not have been the place to post this... orz

Edited by CasualM1n10n
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