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[SSE] What dragon mod to use with the latest version of AE (1.6.640)?


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It is the first time that I really use the forum (after 10 years with an account, yes), so I apologize if I have taken the wrong section, and also for my bad English.


In the past I always used Diverse Dragons Collection SE and I have seen that it is still one of the most downloaded, if not the most. But at this point I'm surprised that no other dragon mod (at least that I've seen) took the place. And I feel that it has been somewhat "outdated"


That perhaps it was a first impression on my part. I have seen that the GoT models of dragons are on the rise, but if I have not seen wrong, there are only 3.
So tired of searching and beating blind, after googling for a while and not seeing anything different from the mod already mentioned first. I throw the question to you, if you are so kind as to suggest me some mod. Already so much AI, Appearance, diversity.
I use the Wildcat, in case it's needed as a reference for script mods.
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