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Follower recommendation.


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I want to find a follower who has a personal quest much like the crew from Mass Effect 2. I tried Cerwiden, but she's kind of annoying when she starts to talk about random things in the most unappropriated moments.


So what can you guys recommend me?

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Vilja is great. Unless your easily annoyed then she can get on your nerves in a hurry.


For me she was fun to have around until we got into the romance part of her quest line. Then she got clingy and nagged me to no end about bathing, taking care of my armor, and I should be more careful when I get into fights, and on and on. I got rid of her finally, I had enough nagging, you would have thought she was my mother or something.


With that aside, give Vilja a try to see if she suites you.


There are two up and coming mods that are not released at all or are just partially done right now. Sofia is a new custom voiced follower that has not been released yet. The videos I have seen seem promising. The other is Selene Kate, this mod has been released but it has a big update coming that will include the custom voice acting and a quest line. Right now she is using the vanilla Young Eager voice. Kate has a lot going for her as is even without the voice acting and quest line.


Companion Selene Kate - with Neo Underworld Suit by Kasprutz and Hello Santa





Another I know that is custom voiced and has a quest is Anduniel. Its functional as is but has a few small things that need polished. Mainly with things not related to the follower itself. A custom home that's part of the quest line has several issues with doors and such. There are a lot of similarities with Vilja. Anduniel has been called a Vilja wannabe. That's a bit harsh but try it out and judge for yourself.


Anduniel - Quest Aware Custom Voiced Follower Companion by Anduniel


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Isn't there option to tell vilja to shut up? I read it on the mod page once.

There is but shutting her up pretty much turns her into just another follower. Her chatter is the biggest part of her charm. When the chatter turns into nagging is where I have problems with her.

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I am a big fan a Amalee from Interesting NPCS.... she is so damn adorable. That being said I am downloading Inigo as I write this. I hope he says "you keep using that word".


I have to agree about Amalee, I've gone through most of my current game with her as a follower. Zora from the same mod is good, too, and voiced by the same actress who did the upcoming Sofia (who I think I will be downloading soon).

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