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dillbob123 - BANNED

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dillbob123 banned.




Reason for the ban

Just another pirate.


dillbob123, on 23 Dec 2013 - 4:55 PM, said:


I downloaded FNV without steam from a friend and I need some serious help.


The game plays fine but when when I click the mods to activate them in the data options, and go ingame, it doesn't show up. None of them do.


When I used geck, I made a house and clicked on it in the data, it didn't show up either.


I finally tried using NMM but when I click on it, it says login server disconnected or something like that and it forces it to be offline. Could that play a part in it?


Any help would be great!!!

Only help you'll get here is help going overboard. <splash>


Merry Christmas, Pirate!


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