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weird game crashes


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my computer is really old but still i can run fallout and stuff but i have a problem with oblivion

my specs are:ATI READEON X1650 series 3.0ghz and 512mb ram.

after i've played for about an hour or even sometimes less all the people's voices start to get deeper and i even sometimes hear some type of static sounds in the background and after about an hour that it happens then the game crashes and my computer restarts... what do i have to do to fix this??


this is really weird cos i can play fallout 3 without this problem sure i lagg sometimes when im in the wastes but the game never crashes btw i've updated oblivion to v.1.2

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my computer is really old but still i can run fallout and stuff but i have a problem with oblivion

my specs are:ATI READEON X1650 series 3.0ghz and 512mb ram.

after i've played for about an hour or even sometimes less all the people's voices start to get deeper and i even sometimes hear some type of static sounds in the background and after about an hour that it happens then the game crashes and my computer restarts... what do i have to do to fix this??


this is really weird cos i can play fallout 3 without this problem sure i lagg sometimes when im in the wastes but the game never crashes btw i've updated oblivion to v.1.2


You are pushing the limit. Oblivion is not as well optimized as Fallout.


Upgrade the ram, if you can.


Clean the computer (you may be overheating).


In a pinch, try turning off the music:


To test, in the ...\Documents\mygames\oblivion\Oblivion.ini file locate:




And change the 1 to 0


If none of this helps, Please post a "Dxdiag" report:


Run (XP) or Start (Vista), type in "dxdiag" (without the quotes), save the report to a desktop text file (default). Copy and paste the results (the whole thing) here in your thread.


Remember, Oblivion brings even strong computers to their knees.

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I'd agree with Dezi & Quax that ram is likely the root of the problem. I'm running an old 3ghz machine with a Radeon X1300 & onboard sound card and I get few problems, crashes or sound issues (apart from some lag in busy scenes), however I've got 3gig of ram installed. Oblivion when running does appear to suffer memory leak over time (i.e. it doesn't efficiantly release temporary storage back to the available ram pool), so you need lots of ram.


Get yourself some more memory -- it's very cheap at the moment and you should find all your games & other progs work better. If you still have problems you'll at least have eliminated that as a cause. ;)

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