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Racism and Jokes


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I always think that when a joke is funny, its funny, even if it is 'racial' humor. I know alot of people get pissed off when someone uses a racial slur in a joke but they laugh if the racial slur doesnt regard them.


For example, I have an African American friend named Xavier and we were telling jokes, I thought of a new one 'Whats Black and Red and Full of Holes, A dead gangster' and he laughed but after, he said I shouldnt say it because he says It would offend people if they didnt know who I am.


But I mean, why would someone get offended just by a joke if it isnt OVERTLY racist. Like an offenceful joke thats directed as an insult is not what im talking about. I mean, why do people let a funny joke offend them even if they know its only in good humor?

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Because this is where a lot of racism starts, in seemingly "harmless" jokes. Or it is used for those who don't wish to be overt with their racism.


It is best avoided. Humour doesn't have to be at the expense of another.

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Humor targeted at a group is a form of racism......setting the subject up for public ridicule and scorn. This leads to hate, contempt and bias against them.


This is a flamebait topic and I am closing it before trouble starts.


You might as well single out old white men with long gray beards and fat bellies and a penchant for computer gaming.


It is just as offensive.



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