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is there a transparent object in the CS that actors can't see thro


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I mean an invisible box that only the player can see through, similar to the collision or trigger boxes? My Specific scenario is: I have a combat pit with monsters behind cages that I only want combat to begin with the prisoners when I open the cage. Also, I would like the combatants not to detect the player while watching on the balcony. I tried to look at the Imperial city arena scripts but I couldn't see anything helpful.
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The closest thing would be to use subspaces. However, NPCs will never path across the border of a subspace, the only way to make them cross the threshold is to push them over. When inside, they only react (generally) to other things within that subspace, when outside they only react (generally) to things outside*. Subspaces cannot be disabled, but can be moved with scripting if they are named persistent references.


*having a subspace between two sections of normal space, like in a hallway with a center area in the subspace, NPCs on either end of the hallway will react to eachother, and even path through the subspace to reach eachother. If one enters the subspace before the other, they still remain in combat, and still try to move toward eachother, just that the one inside ends up pausing at the border.

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Alternatively, assign the prisoners to alternative factions (such as the yellow and blue team), make them neutral to the player and hostile to each other, then set their aggression right down to 0 in the creature properties editor. They will effectively ignore everything going on around them and will do whatever the idling script assigned to them tells them to do (i.e. pace cage, cry in corner, etc). Then, when you open the cages with your script, bang in an additional script to set the prisoners agression to 100 and watch them start to foam at the mouth... I guess this could be similar to that used in the Arena, which is why you couldn't spot any 'invisible boxes'. Any good?
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