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[SSE] Right Mouse Activated NPC Interaction Popup Menu


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Well, another day another amusing shout from Shadowman2777 ( Tickle any woman's feet Shout ). I was wondering if it is even technically feasible to create a mod to, outside the console, right mouse on a NPC (for more than 2 seconds and outside of Block distance -say 8ft to 24 feet) and have a menu of things you can do to them at this distance pop up. My experience is that selecting them with "e" has a range of about 6 feet and is designed solely for initiating dialog or pick pocketing if sneaking.


If feasible, one could perhaps add the dozen or so Shadowman2777 shouts as selectable items on this menu, and other things as well.

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well, you *might be able to do that with some mod(s) already, that have a press-time sense feature (Quick Light for instance, for the hotkey that lights and extinguishes its light source). Not sure if you can assign the right mouse button but


a) I think so

b) you could try for yourself by installing it


If so, perhaps that function could be applied to some other mod's hokey with the right coding skills. Beyond me, but in terms of "feasibility"...

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