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New & Looking to Mod Skyrim


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you better start with SKSE , skui and racemenu

after that you might want the CTD and memory boost installed


after that it is all personal choice


you can mod your game from high fantasy adventure to a dark gothic horror story


or from a pure manga style adventure to a epic tale of survuval where even the land wants to kill you



from a clean coservative fairytale to a story of pure debauchery that makes even sanguine blush


it is all there

my advice take your time to look for the right mod

have a look at gopher videos how to mod your game

read the mod escription carefully and build tp your mod collection slowly

last thing you want to do is to download 100 mods installing them and than to find out they not compatible and your game ctds without knowing what mod is causing it

Edited by kleinstaff
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