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Morrowind Graphic Overhaul


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Greetings to all.

Recently, I have been searching for some good, more or less, lore friendly Morrowind graphic overhaul and, on file front I have found the mod pack (Two .rar files, aprox 1300 Mb) but all the read-me files and the mod itself, I presume, is on italian. The creators are signed as The Morrowind Overhaul Team and I can`t find anything more about them or the mod to help me.


Is there anyone using the same mod who can answer me a few question, or post the whole read-me in english, I would be grateful.


I`ve noticed that the packs itself contain more separate mods and I wonder which ones?

Is it compatible with Tamriel Rebuilt both maps?

And, please, add some impressions if you like.


Thank you very much in advance.

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