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The Ballad of Yagrum Bagarn


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(I am not a modder, nor will I ever have/take the time to learn how to mod correctly. However, I have many stories in mind, many concepts, many ideas. I can write, design levels, create everything that does not require coding and modding skills. I would be delighted to find some associates to finally put my words into a mod.)


Yagrum Bagarn was the last dwarf alive in Tamriel. Exploring the mysteries of Oblivion when his entire race disappeared, he survived the obscure fate of his nation.

He also survived the fall of Vvardenfell, and fled to Skyrim with a company of dark elves. There, only one place seemed to offer any kind of intellectual challenge for the Tonal Architect :


The ruins of Atmos-Ur.


The Dwemer city is one of the oldest and deepest built in Skyrim, and also the only one never to have been explored by foolish adventurers. It's a place heavy with history. Some say the city itself was merely a refuge for dwarven explorers, when they were digging for something far, far older. Something that was here even before the first atmorian set foot on Tamriel.


Something that could change the future of the Empire itself if it was to see the light of the sun again.


Bagarn entered the ruins 300 years ago, never to be seen again. Will you follow in his footsteps ?

The Ballad of Yagrum Bagarn draws the Dragonborn to the depths of Skyrim, to the very origins of man, while following the moving story of the last of the dwarves, looking for answers, and for a meaning to his ending life.

Edited by Lune13
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