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An elf within Cyrodill


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Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part six, updated 13th of July 2009)


Patiently Aredel waited in the lobby of the guard tower, the guard he had just briefed about the situation underneath the inn had climbed up a stairs to a higher floor where he would speak to his commander. After a long time the captain came downstairs and introduced himself to the elf,

“Greetings, lord elf, my name is Audens Avidius, you brought me grave news I hear?”

Aredel smiled then returned his face to an more serious look at an instant, “I indeed do, honorable captain of the peace keepers of this beautiful city ,” Something about the man’s underlying expressions didn’t feel right, even tough, he was obviously acting his concern, Aredel could not read his real intentions from his face. He must have had a lot of practice hiding his true agendas. Aredel told him all he saw, leaving out the parts about his personal connections with the human boy, and also the situation of his sister. If he eventually was found to be trusted, they could explain their situation to the watch captain themselves…

“…there I lost my vision, the horrors of the scene and the knowledge of their origin made me so uncomfortable I lost concentration over my spell. I decided no longer to waste time and come here, to inform you.” Audens Avidius nodded at the elf, it looked like it that he was not even touched, about the last scene. Before he had the chance to answer Aredel added a last thing,

“I dare predict, that behind the second door, we’ll find a brothel, and probably there must be a passage way too, in that place that leads out of or to one of the lower rings of the city. They must dump their bodies somewhere, besides that they also needed ways along which they could have brought in and out the materials for the reconstruction of their underground practice.”

The watch captain nodded, then said: “Alright lord elf, I believe you, with two men I shall come along with you to go and check this out.”

Aredel was surprised. He did not even had to ask to join along with them, he was practically ordered to come along… even to his knowledge he knew that humans usually would not do this, he’d be extra careful.



Back on Summerset Isle the sun has started to set, on the terrace on top of the hill in the crystal tower valley stood the woman in the white dress. She had been meditating as preparations what was to be done.

“Tirla-miriel, my queen,” A voice rose behind her… It is time that we start the ritual, else the whole of Tamriel might fall to the dark will of the foul deadra Meruhnes Dagon. “The straight forward word came from a seer, whom came up the stairs, behind him walked the elf that ha brought her here this afternoon.

“Yes I am aware of that.” She answered. A white gold flame emitted from her hand and she threw it towards the edge of the terrace where it inflamed an ridge that must have been filled with oil or another inflammable liquid. The fore spread in a circle around them and then starter to grow towards the centre in vine like patterns, however this they just did over the many polished stones of the terrace, not trough ridges. The seer walked through the flames and stood himself in front of the queen, laying his hands on her shoulders,. “I know this will be difficult for you, however, trust in the angels that have shown us our visions… He will be fine…” He whispered to her and stepped back, together with the other elf he left the circle of flames that didn’t even seem to touch them.

Under her feet a great image burned in a mystical form within that was the crest that also rested on Aredel’s armor. Two crescent moons, with the backs turned towards each other and bond together by two broken lines that made the opening between them diamond shaped., within that opening she stood herself. She spread her arms and turned her face to the sky, after a moment of hesitation she opened her mouth and then loud notes in the most beautiful voice sang, like a wave the sound flooded trough the valley and filled the air, booming as loud as the thunder above her the clear evening sky seemed to lit in curls and forms that resembled ink dripped on the surface of water, a stronger than usual breeze found its way through the valley, and along with her more voices joined in on the song. From a near aggressive, strong intro she changed the her tones and turned in a more soft, yet still meaning tome that kept volume, the song turned into what sounded much like a lament on which the trees seemed to cradle along in the wind… the song kept going on in different variations in the most beautiful language the face of this world has ever known then got again a more angry and aggressive turn that got louder than ever before. Tirla-miriel’s voice went quiet for a moment, and let the other elves sing forth, along them it seemed as if drums and other instruments had joined in, as she looked up she saw how a the light play above her now had turned into a threatening reddish atmosphere spreading far beyond the edges of the valley, as if oblivion itself was coming down from the skies.

The she knew all voices had gone quiet and the instruments played on in and softened tone that turned from despair into hope, the gentle melody made the valley glow in a pale golden light, then horns sounded loudly and she sang once more louder than before the golden lames around her stated to grow wilder and higher, as her voice incarnated pure hope into the world itself and the whole valley was lit by the flames that listed her from the ground and send her levitating towards the sky as the flames shot these ink-like white gold beams trough the air driving towards the red sky and with a great impact clashed into the other dark versions of themselves, driving it back to the deadric. hell mouth above that it came from. As the sky turned back to a soft orange and gold glow Tirla-miriel’s body floated slowly back to the terrace which was now extinguished and turned back to its former beauty without a single black stain or anything alike. The two elves that had been on the stairs, participating in the ritual from nearby ran towards their queen, their faces had grown older and tired, yet they would recover with a few weeks of proper rest, their queen however was unconscious, and might take more time, the seer kneeled next to her to give his last magical energies to strengthen her body again. As he did so he said, “You did well milady, Aredel will be influenced by our work, and Meruhnes Dagon will not be able to breach the curtains between his realm and ours on this island, all of your people sang today, except for your brother. Let’s hope we were in time to steer his path astray at the right moment, for if he fails to fulfill his task, not even we will be able to stand against the forces of Meruhnes Dagon…”

Together they brought away their queen, so she could rest in her palace, while where she had laid sprouted a small leaf from between the stones of the terrace. Not as powerful as the dragon fires, but it would grow and protect the island for now…


((* Well, here another little word from me ^^ , the crest here if very personal for it is actually my family’s crest, or at least the symbol that is on the shield… Furthermore, I am adding a link… *(hopes he doesn’t break rules)* This link leads to the song, or at least the song, that I had in mind when writing this scene. It represents the last part of it, not the whole, for the rest you may use your imagination or fill it up with other elven songs :P… The quality is like worthless on YouTube I’m afraid, but it’s the only online version of it I could think of at this moment.. Well, try to listen it trough, it’s only a little more than three minutes, for those whom liked it I’ll add another few links as an extra :P

^^ Enjoy ^^

Ow,Ii just discovered there is a more intresting way, killing two orcs with one arrow xD



Above: The song that fits inwith the story.

Below: Some extra inspiration sources.




What can I say? i just am a huge fan of this masterpiece of art, and that may be partly because of my love for tolkiens work :P *))

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Very good Aredel!


Keep on writing!



Dezdimona, copyright is complicated and sometimes safeguarding is wise in a cynical world!

Otherwise copyright lawyers wouldn't make so much money as they do!

Edited by dragonpen61
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