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suggestions and idea for index change


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this is merely a suggestion on how i would like to see the mod index. I know its a lot of work to do with the amount of mods all ready present within the index therefore its merely a suggestion. Would it be possible to sub categorize the individual categories, i.e

Weapons-->rifles-->hand guns-->energy weapons--> ect


The reason im asking is because i like to try different mods on well a daily basis and it becomes hard to look at every single page to find something new and/or interesting to me. lately ive been sticking to the latest file section so there are literally hundreds of mods i have not seen.


I appreciate every single modder for the hard work and love they put into there work and i give Kudos where they are deserved. :thumbsup:

So in summation, changing the categories will help new people search and find mods they like faster without feeling like there is something they missed, a holy grail mod perhaps.


As a final note i would like to thank all of the modders as well as the moderators. :thanks:


p.s. if this is something doable i would like to help brainstorm and/or help in any way i can. Thanks again

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