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Sable Dragon Caldera Orc quest


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The Sable Dragon is a rather unique mod and takes a lot of time to complete. I have only been able to do a few quests, I guess you can't run 2 quests at a time. I am stuck on the 2 Orcs selling Jasper (I think) in Caldera. If been in every house day and night and talked to everyone. I can't find or get anyone to mention the Orcs. Any help would be appreciated.

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It's been a while, and I haven't played that specific mod, but if you're supposed to talk to random people around town who were not added by the mod, and if you have any other mods that affect dialogue, like Less Generic NPCs, then their dialogue may not be getting the necessary topics, because NPCs can only be affected by one mod.

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I learned that the Orcs are where the scamp lives and they might have eaten the Jasper. I went there, and raised the disposition to 90+ of the Orcs there and no ones mentions Jasper. I even pick-pocketed the Orcs and they don't have any. I looked high-and-low of the building where the Orcs are, even levitated and searched the roof. No Jasper can be found. Any help would be appreciated.

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