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Fuzzy Searching - Common (mis)spellings


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What I'd like to see is a way to perform more logical and consistent searches on Nexus sites. Instead of having to guess at how someone might have spelled something, or hoped that they tagged their mod.


It'd be nice to see the Nexus at least perform fuzzy searches for commonly misspelled or alternately spelled words. Prime examples are "armor" and "armour". Both are perfectly valid spellings (depending on where you live), but reside in completely different search terms, despite being the exact same thing. Another common one is texture mods, which live under names like "Hi-res", "High res", or the completely wrong "Hires".


Something else that would be nice would be the ability to unlink the search terms. I'd like to be able to search all mods that have "hi-res" in the title AND the description, not just in both. As it is you just have to hope that mod authors put the correct terms in their titles and description.

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