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Login problems


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I have problems logging in on a certain computer in the household. Upon creating a new account (which has been done repeatedly in order to download Oblivion mods), one can browse the TES site fine. However, upon logging out (sometimes it seems the site logs one out arbitrarily), you cannot log back in with the username and password you just made, which is why you need to make one again and again to download things off the site. When I want to download a mod off of TES Nexus, and it requires I log in with a username and password, and I do, and click "ok" or the equivalent, the page just seems to reload and require me to enter it again like I never did. However, on a laptop these problem does not exist. Any ideas what to do?
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Check to ensure that you have jave and cookies enabled in the browser options on the one that is giving you problems.


What browser are you using?


Since you can access the site with a different computer with no problems, it is not a site issue. But probably a browser configuration setting or security settings being set to high.



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